Philosophical eBooks by John O'Loughlin




Here, at length, is the logical culmination – one might even say apotheosis – of John O'Loughlin's decades-long pursuit of philosophical perfection, and although one would be hard-pressed to find anything (besides his own works) remotely akin much less logically superior to it, one could not reasonably expect such a book to appeal to more than a relative handful of people – a few of the 'Few' – given the structural complexities his uniquely comprehensive approach to logic entails, even without the inclusion here of concepts like 'space', 'time', 'volume', and 'mass' or, for that matter, 'being', 'doing', 'giving', and 'taking', that this thinker, spurning undue reiteration, has sensibly omitted from what is arguably his ultimate philosophical achievement, having already successfully dealt with these and other such themes, including what he describes as moderate ecclesiastic and extreme secular corruptions, in earlier works, including, not least, RANDOMIZED. Here, then, is the logical successor to STRICTLY SEQUENTIAL, the author's previous title, and it must surely be, even without the aforementioned categories, the most comprehensive assessment of the atomic and pseudo-atomic dichotomies underlying class and gender ever undertaken by the human mind. In fact, it would be truer to say that, prior to John O'Loughlin, no such assessment, much less analysis, had ever been undertaken in the entire history of philosophical thought. Oh, one final word: not least among the accomplishments of this book is an unorthodox if not alternative approach to the threats undermining this planet which conventional 'wisdoms' have signally refused or been unwilling to address. We suggest you read this book in order to realize just how threatened the planet now is by human endeavour. – A Centretruths Editorial


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